
Vorträge und Posterpräsentationen (mit Tagungsband-Eintrag):

C. Koranteng, A. Mahdavi:
"A Study into the thermal Performance of Low-Rise Office Buildings in Ghana";
Vortrag: BauSim2010 - Building Performance Simulation in a Changing Environment, Technische Universität Wien; 22.09.2010 - 24.09.2010; in: "BauSim 2010 - Building Performance Simulation in a Changing Environment", A. Mahdavi, B. Martens (Hrg.); Verlag / Organisation / Universität mit wissenschaftlichem Lektorat, Wien (2010), ISBN: 978-3-85437-317-9; S. 92 - 99.

Kurzfassung englisch:
This paper illustrates the results of the thermal conditions in a selected number of office buildings in Kumasi, Ghana. The monitored data was used to evaluate indoor environmental conditions and to
calibrate a number of thermal simulation models of the buildings toward reduction of cooling requirements. Moreover, the impact of thermal retrofit measures in reducing carbon dioxide emissions was assessed and the amortization times for investments in such retrofit measures were estimated. Improvements in building fabric and controls (with payback times of 3 to 12 years) could reduce buildings' cooling loads (20% to 35%) and CO2 emissions around 27%.

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