
Talks and Poster Presentations (with Proceedings-Entry):

D. Mayrhofer:
"Reference Modeling for Inter-organizational Systems";
Talk: Doctoral Symposium @ 13th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems, Norway; 2010-10-03 - 2010-10-08; in: "Proceedings of the MODELS 2010 Doctoral Symposium", ACM/IEEE, (2010), 37 - 42.

English abstract:
Inter-organizational business process models are created and used by different partner networks. Often, those models are similar but differ in certain business needs. Due to the lack of methods and tools, companies are required to start from scratch to create their specific models instead of taking advantage of and re-using already existing models. Therefore, we first analyze reference modeling design techniques and their applicability on inter-organizational models and second create a prototype implementation of inter-organizational reference modeling. By creating models out of reference models we expect to gain efficiency in the modeling process and a higher quality of inter-organizational solutions.

Reference Modeling, Design Techniques, Inter-organizational, DSL

Electronic version of the publication:

Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.