
Wissenschaftliche Berichte:

I. Buber, C. Berghammer, A. Fürnkranz-Prskawetz:
"Doing science, forgoing childbearing? Evidence from a sample of female scientists in Austria";
Bericht für Vienna Institute of Demography; Berichts-Nr. Working Paper No. 1, 2011; 29 S.

Kurzfassung englisch:
Academic women in Austria and Germany have extraordinarily high final levels of
childlessness of 45-60%, as documented by prior research. This study investigates how
female scientists´ fertility behaviour relates to their childbearing ideals and intentions in
Austria. It analyses whether high childlessness and low numbers of children are intended or
not. By looking additionally at employment conditions and partnership status, this study
points to possible obstacles hindering couples to realise their childbearing desires.
Furthermore, it shows how female scientists combine their academic career and childcare.
The analysis is based on a sample of female scientists who had applied for a grant at the
Austrian Academy of Sciences (n=196). It comprises women aged 25-45 who work in
different scientific fields in Austria. Female scientists aged 40-45 have 0.9 children on
average and 44% remain childless. However, these levels are far from the number of offspring
that young scientists under the age of 35 intend to have. They perceive on average two as their
ideal and intended number; only around 10% want to stay childless. Several obstacles which
impede childbearing were identified, e.g. the strong work commitment of the female
scientists, the need to be geographically mobile and the high prevalence of living apart
together relationships. As for the combination of work and family, female scientists return
back to work quickly after they have a child. Most do not regard the family as the main
caregiver but perceive a division of tasks between the family and the public as preferable.

Female scientists, fertility, intentions, Austria, GGS

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