
Talks and Poster Presentations (with Proceedings-Entry):

K. Schinegger:
"C.O.P.E. - Catwalk of Project Excellence - Analogue Effects";
Talk: Media Architecture Biennale 2010, Vienna (invited); 2010-10-07 - 2010-10-31; in: "Conference Reader: Media Architecture Biennale 2010", O. Schürer (ed.); media architecture institute, Vienna (2010), 38.

English abstract:
Kristina Schinegger - Analogue Effects
The kinetic media façade is an integral part of the Thematic Pavilion, a major and permanent building for the Expo 2012 in South-Korea. The building inhabits the "Thematic Exhibition", an introduction to the Expo´s theme "The Living Ocean and Coast". The aim of the design was not to represent but implement the Expo´s agenda through a sustainable climate design and the bionic principle of the kinetic media facade.

Schinegger analogue effects thematic Pavilion Expo 2012 South-Korea "The Living Ocean and Coast"

Electronic version of the publication:

Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.