
Publications in Scientific Journals:

P. Krüger, S. Hofferberth, I. Mazets, I. Lesanovsky, H.-J. Schmiedmayer:
"Weakly Interacting Bose Gas in the One-Dimensional Limit";
Physical Review Letters, 105 (2010), 265302; 1 - 4.

English abstract:
We prepare a chemically and thermally one-dimensional (1D) quantum degenerate Bose gas in a single
microtrap. We introduce a new interferometric method to distinguish the quasicondensate fraction of the
gas from the thermal cloud at finite temperature. We reach temperatures down to kT 0:5@!?
(transverse oscillator eigenfrequency !?) when collisional thermalization slows down as expected in
1D. At the lowest temperatures the transverse-momentum distribution exhibits a residual dependence on
the line density n1D, characteristic for 1D systems. For very low densities the approach to the transverse
single-particle ground state is linear in n1D.

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