
Vorträge und Posterpräsentationen (mit Tagungsband-Eintrag):

A. Korjenic:
"Investigations for the suitability of CaSi - plates for "passive" Redevelopment of humidity- and salt loaded Walls";
Vortrag: Solution of Green Roof Structures in V4 Countries, Krakov, Polen (eingeladen); 13.09.2010 - 15.09.2010; in: "Solution of Green Roof Structures in V4 Countries", Kosice University of Technology, 1 (2010), ISBN: 978-80-553-0593-6; S. 65 - 81.

Kurzfassung englisch:
The inadequate moisture protection of many old buildings as well as the missing horizontal barricade affects both structural and hygienic state. Therefore, a deficient moisture protection
endangers directly the inventory and should be corrected as soon as possible. One of the greatest problems by repair of old buildings is the capillary ascending wall moisture. The combat occurs
through different procedures which are technically and financially very extensive and which cannot often be inserted (horizontal barricade). Therefore, it often sets up the question for itself, whether one can get out of the way of the subsequent horizontal barricade. Within the framework of this
investigation, different surface systems on masonry were examined with ascending wall moisture.
With it is examined more various influence for redevelopment measures in the case of ascending humidity for the inside climate, as well as the moisture content of the external wall analyses with
different exterior and inner surface systems. Goal of this investigation was confirmation about reliable
and functional rehabilitation of the extemal wal s with ascending moisture without horizontal barricade.
In this case, many different inside and extemal surface systems should have been examined and their influence on the temperature and humidity flow at the surface and in the construction itself.

moisture protection, surface systems, two-dimensional simulation, CaSi (calcium silicate) plates

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