
Talks and Poster Presentations (with Proceedings-Entry):

B. Heinzl, G. Zauner, F. Breitenecker, M. Rößler:
"Creating a Simscape Hydraulic Library For Physical Modelling";
Talk: EUROSIM 2010 - 7th Congress on Modelling and Simulation, Prague, Czech Republic; 2010-09-06 - 2010-09-10; in: "Proceedings of the 7th Congress on Modelling and Simulation", M. Snorek, Z. Buk, M. Cepek, J. Drchal (ed.); Vol.2 Full Papers (2010), ISBN: 978-80-01-04589-3; 1026 - 1031.

English abstract:
Modelling and simulation of physical systems is more than ever an important topic in scientific computing. There is not only a wide range of application possibilities in various branches of physics, but computer simulation can also be used for different kinds of tasks, like optimization and acceleration of development processes or finding design errors. New approaches based on physical networks are making it easier for modelers to implement physical models as it allows them to focus on the physical structure rather than the underlying mathematical equations. This paper describes a way how one can create reusable components representing hydraulic elements for modelling and simulation of hydraulic systems with MATLAB/SimscapeTM using the physical network approach. Therefore, it is also defined a hydraulic domain in Simscape, describing how energy is transmitted
throughout the physical system. Since the balance equations used for the hydraulic components are non-linear, whereas the balance equations of mechanical or electrical systems are typically linear, it is presented a fundamental distinction between these classical physical domains and the hydraulic domain. To verify the created Simscape library, the rear part of this paper shows an example of a typical hydraulic system test environment, which has been modeled and simulated in Simscape.

Simscape, physical networks modelling, hydraulic library, Simscape language

Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.