

J. Patalas-Maliszewska, I. Krebs:
"Strategic Knowledge Management In Sme Based On Innovation Transfer - A Case Study";
in: "The Entrepreneurship -Innovation -Marketing Interface, 3rd Symposium", D. Baier, W. Gaul, A. Rese (Hrg.); herausgegeben von: Swiridoff Verlag; Swiridoff Verlag, Künzelsau, 2010, ISBN: 978-3-89929-207-7, S. 43 - 53.

Kurzfassung englisch:
Added value for SME can be determine as knowledge, employees´ skills and abilities, social relation, know-how, and particularly effective investing in intellectual capital. The enterprises which invest in knowledge and systems of work are achieved competitive advantage, because of theirs workers´ readiness to learning and qualifying themselves and also thanks to effective information and communication transfers. In this paper we allowed to respond to the following
question: whether a given algorithm that enables capital intellectual in SME index and implemented innovations characteristics binding? Does a given such innovation guarantee to obtain the assumed level of a capital intellectual index in SME for assumed costs and existing
limitations or not? The paper´s authors propose to add the model of strategic knowledge management - intellectual capital model - in enterprises based on innovation transfer.

strategic knowledge management, intellectual capital model

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