
Talks and Poster Presentations (with Proceedings-Entry):

F. Breitenecker, N. Popper, G. Zauner, M. Landsiedl, M. Rößler, B. Heinzl, A. Körner:
"Simulators For Physical Modelling - Classification and Comparison of Features /Revision 2010";
Talk: EUROSIM 2010 - 7th Congress on Modelling and Simulation, Prague, Czech Republic; 2010-09-06 - 2010-09-10; in: "Proceedings of the 7th Congress on Modelling and Simulation", M. Snorek, Z. Buk, M. Cepek, J. Drchal (ed.); Vol.2 Full Papers (2010), ISBN: 978-80-01-04589-3; 1051 - 1061.

English abstract:
These series of contributions elaborate, classify and compare features of modern simulation systems, with special emphasis on physical modelling. First each contribution shortly reviews classical features of simulators: model sorting, event description, time event handling, state event handling, and DAE support with or without index reduction, and introduces a feature table with `yes´ - available, `(yes)´ - available but difficult to use, `no´ - not available, and `(no)´ - not available, but implementation possible or way around - shown with classic simulators. Next, structural features are introduced, which reflect the developments in the last decade: object-oriented approach, a-causal modelling, physical modelling, structural dynamic systems, modelling standardisations as Modelica and VHDL-AMS, impacts from computer engineering (e.g. state charts), co-simulation, and environments. The feature list of 2009 included textual and/or graphical physical modelling, simulation-driven visualisation, Modelica modelling standard, textual and/or graphical state chart modelling, modelling of structural-dynamic systems, frequency analysis, real-time capabilities, solver splitting, and access to derived state equations.
Mainly based on solutions to the ARGESIM Benchmarks - Benchmarks for Modelling and Simulation Techniques, published in ASIM´s scientific journal SNE - Simulation News Europe, the a comparison list could be set up, which in 2009 included 21 simulators (combination of different modules of simulators). This Revision 2010 extends the list of structural features by three new items: functional hybrid modelling, co-simulation, and multibody notations. Functional hybrid modelling is an essential extension of hybrid decoupling for structural-dynamic systems, co-simulation is an alternative approach in multidomain modelling, and the entry of multibody notations remember that Modelica is not the only standard. And consequently, the list of simulators is extended by two systems supporting functional hybrid modelling.

Simulators, Classification, Comparison, Features, Structures

Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.