
Talks and Poster Presentations (with Proceedings-Entry):

A. Atri, F. Breitenecker, K. Breitenecker:
"Analysis and Composition of Descrete Event oriented Simulations using distributed Web Technologies";
Talk: EUROSIM 2010 - 7th Congress on Modelling and Simulation, Prague, Czech Republic; 2010-09-06 - 2010-09-10; in: "Proceedings of the 7th Congress on Modelling and Simulation", M. Snorek, Z. Buk, J. Drchal, M. Cepek (ed.); Vol.2 Full Papers (2010), ISBN: 978-80-01-04589-3; 476 - 481.

English abstract:
The rising facilities of higher level protocols for internet communication have provided successful implementations in current web development. Web applications are not merely meant to display information and content, but work interactively using standardised conventions. These technology is commonly used in many social platforms where different kind of applications interact together regardless of the actual programming language they were written in.
The purpose of this paper is to use these communicaton layers for a platform independent web based e-learning system for discrete event oriented simulation. The software shold be used for academic teaching purposes. The server-sided simulation is basically a multi-tier software architecture. The client communicates only through the W3C defined standards such as XML,HTML, Javascript and JSON. Thus the client´s browser does not require any third party software like Flash,
Java Plugin, etc. This convenience allows the simulation environment to swap the backend simulation engines so that the same experiment can be executated with different simulators for e-learning portals.

Discrete Event Simulation, Web-Based Simulation, AJAX Webinterfaces, ELearning

Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.