
Vorträge und Posterpräsentationen (ohne Tagungsband-Eintrag):

G. Fitzpatrick:
"Moving AAL/care technology into the home: who are we designing for?";
Vortrag: Institute of Technology Assessment, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Wien (eingeladen); 09.11.2010.

Kurzfassung englisch:
Europe is facing the challenge of an aging population and increasing demands on the healthcare system. Ambient Assistive Living (AAL) technologies and telecare systems that can enable people to remain in their own home and receive care are seen as possible solutions. However, many of these solutions are primarily defined by clinicians and technologists and measured by health outcomes. While these are critically important, they only form part of the story and patients' perspectives are often lost. This presentation will draw on experiences working with older people and technology (in-home studies, stroke rehabilitation at home, AAL system evaluation) to argue that we need to design systems to better fit into the everyday lives of people and into their everyday spaces; the home is not simply a remote extension of the hospital.

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