
Contributions to Books:

G. Kappel, M. Wimmer, W. Retschitzegger, W. Schwinger:
"Leveraging Model-Based Tool Integration by Conceptual Modeling Techniques";
in: "The Evolution of Conceptual Modeling", Springer LNCS 6520, 2011, 254 - 284.

English abstract:
In the context of model-based tool integration, model transformation languages are the first choice for realizing model exchange between heterogenous tools. However, the lack of a conceptual view on the integration problem and appropriate reuse mechanisms for already existing integration knowledge forces the developer to define model transformation code again and again for certain recurring integration problems in an implementation-oriented manner resulting in low productivity and maintainability of integration solutions.
In this chapter, we summarize our work on a framework for model-based tool integration which is based on well-established conceptual modeling techniques. It allows to design integration models on a conceptual level in terms of UML component diagrams. Not only the design-time is supported by conceptual models, but also the runtime, i.e., the execution of integration models, is represented by conceptual models in terms of Coloured Petri Nets. Furthermore, we show how reusable integration components for resolving structural metamodel heterogeneities, which are one of the most frequently recurring integration problems, can be implemented within our framework.

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