Publications in Scientific Journals:

K. Göschka, H. Paik, V. Tosic:
"Guest Editorial Preface: Engineering Middleware for Service-Oriented Computing";
International Journal of Systems and Service-Oriented Engineering (IJSSOE), Volume 1 (2010), Issue 3.

English abstract:
This special issue of the International Journal
of Systems and Service-Oriented Engineering
(IJSSOE) contains five peer-reviewed research
papers with recent advances on middleware for
service-oriented computing. After revisiting the
importance of middleware for service-oriented
computing, the authors give a brief overview of
the review process and the papers accepted for
this special issue. Finally, the authors discuss
some open challenges for future research, with
an emphasis on increasingly popular mobile
service-oriented systems and cloud computing.
The editorial note is followed by lists of review
board members and additional reviewers for
this special issue.

Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.