
Talks and Poster Presentations (with Proceedings-Entry):

W. Auzinger, M. Lapinska:
"Rational multistep methods via modified phi_j - functions";
Talk: GAMM Jahrestagung 2011, Graz (invited); 2011-04-18 - 2011-04-21; in: "Proceedings of the GAMM 82nd Annual Scientific Conference, Graz, Austria, April 18-21, 2011", PAMM, 11 (2011), ISSN: 1617-7061; 757 pages.

English abstract:
We consider semilinear stiff evolution equations of the type u'=Au+g(t,u). Exponential methods of Adams-type have recently been analyzed by several authors. In many applications, the matrix exponential exp(hA) and the corresponding 'phi-functions' are approximated using Krylov subspace techniques and, e.g., using Padé approximations in a projected space.

Replacing exp(hA) by an A-acceptable Padé approximation R(hA) in the recursion for the coefficient matrices gives rise to rational Adams-type schemes comprising methods proposed earlier. For this 'Adams-Padé'method, convergence analogous to the exponential version can be proved. For a Krylov implementation this suggests to use Padé approximants of appropriate fixed order; this is subject to further investigation.

"Official" electronic version of the publication (accessed through its Digital Object Identifier - DOI)

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