
Talks and Poster Presentations (without Proceedings-Entry):

P. Goldenits:
"Effective Simulation of the Dynamics of Ferromagnetism";
Talk: PDETech Seminar Talk, TU Wien; 03-24-2011.

English abstract:
The dynamics of ferromagnetism are described best by the
Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation (LLG). We provide a numerical algorithm
which is known to be unconditional convergent for the approximation
of a weak solution. Furthermore, in our finite element scheme we
include the total magnetic field induced by several physical phenomena
described in terms of exchange, anisotropy, stray-field, and exterior
field. Numerical challenges for the time integration arise from
strong non-linearity, the non-convex side constraint $|\mathbf{m}| = 1$
as well as from the non-local dependence of the demagnetization field
$\mathcal{P}(\mathbf{m})$ from the magnetization $\mathbf{m}$.
Nevertheless, we propose a time-splitting scheme which overcomes these
difficulties --- in implementational and analytical sense.

micromagnetism, LLG equation, convergence, FEM

Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.