
Talks and Poster Presentations (without Proceedings-Entry):

P. Goldenits, D. Praetorius, D. Süss:
"Convergent Geometric Integrator for the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert Equation";
Poster: SimTech 2011 Conference, Stuttgart; 2011-06-14 - 2011-06-17.

English abstract:
The understanding and development of magnetic materials is of utter relevance
for example in magneto-resistive storage devices. In the literature the
Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert Equation states a well-accepted model to describe the
dynamics of micromagnetic phenomena. In our contribution, we generalize the
approach of Alouges to the total magnetic field, including exchange,
anisotropy, demagnetization, as well as exterior field. Since the
computation of the demagnetization field is the most time and memory consuming
part of the simulation, the proposed time integrator is split into an implicit
part and an explicit part. The first one deals with the higher-order term
stemming from the exchange energy, whereas the lower-order terms are treated
explicitly. As the original algorithm, our extension guarantees the side
constraint |m|=1 to be fulfilled as well as unconditional weak subconvergence.
In contrast to previous works, another benefit of our scheme is that only one
linear system per time-step has to be solved. Finally, our analysis allows to
replace the operator P which maps the magnetization m onto the
corresponding demagnetization field, by a discrete operator.

micromagnetism, LLG equation, convergence, FEM

Electronic version of the publication:

Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.