
Publications in Scientific Journals:

M. Aurada, M. Feischl, M. Karkulik, D. Praetorius:
"A posteriori error estimates for the Johnson-Nédélec FEM-BEM coupling";
Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 36 (2012), 255 - 266.

English abstract:
Only very recently, Sayas (SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 2009) proved that
the Johnson-Nédélec one-equation approach from (Math. Comp. 1980)
provides a stable coupling of finite element method (FEM) and boundary
element method (BEM). In our work, we now adapt the analytical
results for different a posteriori error estimates developed for the
symmetric FEM-BEM coupling to the Johnson-Nédélec coupling. More
precisely, we analyze the weighted-residual error estimator, the
two-level error estimator, and different versions of (h − h/2)-based
error estimators. In numerical experiments, we use these estimators
to steer h-adaptive algorithms, and compare the effectivity of the
different approaches.

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