

G. Kornich, G. Betz, V. Kornich, V. Shulga, O. Yermolenko:
"Synergism in sputtering of copper nanoclusters on graphite substrate at low energy Cu2 bombardment";
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B, 269 (2011), S. 1600 - 1603.

Kurzfassung englisch:
Molecular dynamics simulation of Cu cluster sputtering by 50-200 eV/atom Cu2 dimers and Cu single
atoms has been performed. The clusters were located on a (0 0 0 1) graphite surface and consisted
of 13-195 atoms. Synergy features were identified in the sputtering yield and energy distributions of
sputtered particles calculated for the cases of cluster bombardment with Cu dimers and monomers at
the same velocity. The reason for the nonlinear effects in surface cluster sputtering is the overlapping
of collision cascades generated by each of the dimer atoms.

Cluster sputtering Collision cascades Synergism Molecular dynamics

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