

I. Gebeshuber, B. Majlis, H. Stachelberger:
"Biomimetics in Tribology";
in: "Chapter 3 in: Biomimetics - Materials, Structures and Processes. Examples, Ideas and Case Studies, Series: Biological and Medical Physics, Biomedical Engineering", Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg Dordrecht London New York, Series Editor Claus Ascheron, 2011, ISBN: 978-3-642-11933-0, S. 25 - 50.

Kurzfassung englisch:
This introductory chapter contains a short discussion of the topic of
biomimetics with special emphasis on background and goals together with an
overviewof the book. Biomimetics is described as information transfer from biology
to the engineering sciences. Methods and preconditions for this interdisciplinary
scientific subject are mentioned briefly focusing on the educational issues and
the pathway to product development. To provide the reader with a preliminary
information, an overview of the book is given devoted to a brief description of
the remaining chapters which are allocated to three main sections "Material &
Structure", "Form & Construction", and "Information & Dynamics".

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