

P. Liegl, C. Huemer, C. Pichler:
"Registry support for core component-based business document models";
Service Oriented Computing and Applications, 5 (2011), 3; S. 183 - 202.

Kurzfassung englisch:
Electronic data interchange (EDI) is the domain of exchanging business documents in a structured format. Nowadays, these systems take more and more advantage of service-oriented solutions. Nevertheless, a rigorous approach to customize the input and output messages of these services to the context of a business partnership is required. In this paper we suggest a model-driven approach to develop the XML Schemas of input and output messages of Web Services. Since classical data modeling approaches like regular UML class diagrams are not sufficient for modeling business documents, we base our approach on the UN/CEFACT Core Components Technical Specification (CCTS), which does not come with a presentation syntax. Thus, we deliver a UML profile extending class diagrams by CCTS concepts, called UML Profile for Core Components (UPCC). UPCC models are transferred to equivalent XML Schemas following well-defined naming and design rules. In order to allow for an easy search and retrieval of core component business document definitions, a registry is needed. The registry has to handle UPCC models - that are exchanged and stored in XMI - as well as their XML Schema equivalences. In this paper, we extend the ebRIM registry meta model for the special purpose of registering core component artifacts and defining their inter-dependencies.

UN/CEFACT's Core Components, Core Component Registry, XML Schema, UML Profile for Core Components, Business document registry, Service-Oriented Architecture

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