
Contributions to Proceedings:

C. Czerkauer-Yamu, P. Frankhauser:
"A Planning Concept for a Sustainable Development of Metropolitan Areas based on a Multifractal Approach";
in: "ECQTG 2011 Proceedings", issued by: Greek Society for Demographic Studies; 17th European Colloquium on Quantitative and Theoretical Geography (ECQTG 2011); Harokopio University, Greece, Athens, 2011, ISBN: 978-960-87751-1-4, 107 - 114.

English abstract:
In this paper we discuss the theoretical background and methodology of a multifractal planning decision support system. It enables to avoid fragmentation of continuous open space and continuous built-up space while at the same time ensuring good traffic flow between green spaces and urbanized areas. Thus, it supports to create a sustainable and sustaining built environment.

Urban geography, spatial modelling, development of metropolitan areas, sustainable development

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