Vorträge und Posterpräsentationen (mit Tagungsband-Eintrag):
G. Futschek, W. Proksch, A. Prosser, E. Schwaighofer, H. Werthner:
"The Need for a Digital Domestic Right";
Poster: ACM WebSci '11 - 3rd International Conference on Web Science,
- 17.06.2011; in: "Proceedings of the ACM WebSci'11",
Paper-Nr. 144,
3 S.
Kurzfassung englisch:
The borders between "real" physical world and Cyberspace are blurring. In the light of constantly increasing data power in public and private hand the right to respect for privacy needs speci c attention. A renewed and extended de nition of privacy is indicated. In the present poster we devise the need for a digital domestic right, relating it to the legal concept of the sanctity of the home.
Territoriality; Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, Privacy, Digital Domestic Right
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