

W.S.M. Werner, F. Salvat-Pujol, W. Smekal, R. Khalid, F. Aumayr, H. Störi, A. Ruocco, G. Stefani:
"Contribution of surface plasmon decay to secondary electron emission from an Al surface";
Applied Physics Letters, 99 (2011), S. 1841021 - 1841023.

Kurzfassung englisch:
Spectra of secondary electrons (SE) emitted from a polycrystalline Al surface have been measured
in coincidence with 500 eV-electrons for energy losses between 10 and 155 eV. The spectra for a
given energy loss are qualitatively similar, consisting of surface and volume plasmon decay and a
contribution attributable to direct electron-electron scattering. The similarity of the contribution of
surface and volume plasmon decay in the SE spectra proves directly that electron multiple
scattering is governed by a Markov-type process. The average value of the surface plasmon decay
contribution to the SE spectrum amounts to !25%.

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