
Vorträge und Posterpräsentationen (mit Tagungsband-Eintrag):

G. Wurzer:
"Towards Use Cases in Sparse Architectural Data Exchange";
Vortrag: EuropIA13, Rom; 08.06.2011 - 10.06.2011; in: "Proceedings of EuropIA13", (2011), ISBN: 979-1-090094-05-5; S. 273 - 282.

Kurzfassung deutsch:
Wir stellen einen Vergleich zwischen Datenaustausch in der Architektur und der Gesundheitsindustrie an. Grund dafür ist das in den letzten Jahren eingeführte Framework zur Interoperabilität zwischen verschiendenen Systemen (IHE - Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise), dessen Konzepte wir in die Architektur übersetzen.

Kurzfassung englisch:
Data exchange continues to be among the most challenging problems during planning projects. Recent tendencies strive to support a diversity of involved domains, by introducing semantically rich data models which promise a seamless transition of the data from one field to the other and back again. Often, this interchange is facilitated by using only a subset of an otherwise complex data structure (e.g. specified by IFC). A specification concerning "which data to include and which to omit", however, remains non-standardized, subject to internal agreements among modeling package vendors and may not be available for outside parties. We find that this is a pity, since exposing also the orchestration part would help improve the quality and reduce the time spent with the implementation of data exchange. In our work, we want to report on recent developments in the healthcare domain, which faces similar interoperability problems, and compare these to architectural data exchange. Our discussion will focus on the "Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise" (IHE) framework, which provides a way to structure data interchange using Use Cases. Our goal is to work towards the introduction of similar techniques in the architectural field.

Data Exchange, Use Cases, Standardization, Frameworks, Small Is Beautiful

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