
Contributions to Books:

K. Jansson, M. Sesana, F. Skopik, A. Olmo:
"COIN Innovative Enterprise Collaboration Services";
in: "The COIN Book - Enterprise Collaboration and Interoperability - in: Bremer Schriften zur integrierten Produkt- und Prozessentwicklung, Band 71", P. Sitek, S. Gusmeroli, M. Conte, K. Jansson, I. Karvonen (ed.); Mainz Verlag, Aachen, 2011, (invited), ISBN: 3-86130-713-8, 54 - 65.

English abstract:
The COIN project has developed services for Enterprise Collaboration. Based on the analysis of industrial needs and market available enterprise collaboration tools COIN has identified missing services on the market. A special focus has been put on identifying the needs of SME networks. COIN has specified, developed and delivered services in the following domains: Collaborative Product Development, Collaborative Production Planning, Collaborative Project Management and Collaborative Human Interaction. This chapter provides an overview of the methodology and workplan used together with an overview of the developed services. For each individual service the main innovations and progress beyond state-of-the-art are presented.

Enterprise Collaboration, Enterprise Interoperability, Innovative Services, Product Development, Project Management, Production Planning, Human interaction

Related Projects:
Project Head Schahram Dustdar:

Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.