
Vorträge und Posterpräsentationen (mit Tagungsband-Eintrag):

A. Körner, B. Heinzl, M. Rößler, G. Zauner, F. Breitenecker, H. Ecker:
"Comparison of Hybrid Modelling Approaches: ARGESIM-Comparison BCP - Bouncing Ball, Circuit with Diodes, Rotating Pendulum";
Vortrag: ASIM 2011, Winterthur, Schweiz; 07.09.2011 - 09.09.2011; in: "Tagungsband Abstracts und Fullpapers", ZHAW School of Engineering, (2011), ISBN: 978-3-905745-44-3.

Kurzfassung englisch:
Modelling and simulation of hybrid systems is getting more and more important in
advanced modelling theory and application. Therefore, the requirements regarding
flexibility on modern simulators are getting higher and higher. The necessity of fast
and stable algorithms is increasing considering more complex systems of interest. In
the last ten years, physical modelling started to support simulation experts in building
their complex structures. Thereby the needs for simulators are going up a second time.
To see how modelling and simulation environments deal with state events of different
order, three classical examples are discussed. These parts offer a spectrum of
questions for testing basic features and they represent minimum requirements to
hybrid simulators regarding state events.
At first, the bouncing ball with some extensions is discussed. The following section
deals with an electrical circuit - it can be used to compare the simulation results of
different implementation techniques (e.g. physical modelling vs. classical DAE form)
in one simulator. The third example is a definition of a pendulum on a rope with free
flight phase, representing a simple system with changes in the state space dimension
depending on the state variables. The main focus lies on different implementation
techniques and the comparison of solution quality, calculation time and/or usability of
the implementation strategy.

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