
Talks and Poster Presentations (with Proceedings-Entry):

A. Körner, I. Hafner, M. Bicher, S. Winkler, F. Breitenecker:
"MMT - A Web Environment for Education in Mathematical Modelling and Simulation";
Talk: ASIM 2011, Winterthur, Schweiz; 2011-09-07 - 2011-09-09; in: "Tagungsband Abstracts und Fullpapers", ZHAW School of Engineering, (2011), ISBN: 978-3-905745-44-3.

English abstract:
The MMT- web server constitutes a surface to enable students to get in touch with
simulation and modelling in a fundamental and user-friendly way. Simulation and
modelling have become elementary skills for various fields of study in the recent
To help students to strengthen their first modelling experience, examples
concerning linear algebra and analysis are provided by the MMT server. Students of
electrical engineering and geodesy and geomatics engineering are able to train their
just gained skills in basic mathematics by solving given problems and comparing their
results to the output of the example on the MMT server. Students in higher semesters
of technical mathematics or computer sciences with deep going mathematical
foundation can concentrate on high-level models based on differential equations or
Most examples on the MMT server are implemented in MATLAB. The user has
permission to gain every source code and download it to be able to follow the
mathematical background and assembling of the given problem and possibly adapt
and extend the program on his computer. On the server itself one can adjust most of
the parameters of an example so effects of small data modification can easily be
Besides training modelling skills, the MMT server can also be used in exams by
testing the studentīs ability to follow the consequences of data modification on the
In addition to examples implemented in standard MATLAB code, models based on
the MATLAB toolbox Simulink will soon be installed at the MMT server. Using
Simulink, even more sophisticated models and simulations based on complex physical
coherences can be provided.
Contrary to the given impression, the MMT server does not depend on MATLAB
itself. Programs in other languages like octave can be linked just as well and after
successfully integrating Simulink, it wonīt take long until Simscape, MATLABīs
physical modelling toolbox, as well as Java applets are embedded into the MMT

Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.