

S. Karman, M. Macqueen, T. Matin, S. Diah, J. Mueller, J. Yunas, T. Makaruk, I. Gebeshuber:
"On the Way to the Bionic Man: A Novel Approach to MEMS Based on Biological Sensory Systems";
Advanced Materials Research - Web, 254 (2011), 8; S. 38 - 41.

Kurzfassung englisch:
xThe human senses are of extraordinary value, but we cannot change them, even if this
proves to be a disadvantage in our modern times. However, we can assist, enhance and expand these
senses via MEMS. This paper introduces data for a push-pull analysis method based on a concise
summary of senses in organisms and MEMS sensors that already have reached the market, giving an
overview where current MEMS technology excels (available solutions) and where natural sensor
systems excel. It provides a knowledge base for further development of MEMS sensors.
Some animals and even humans (with artificial lenses after cataract surgery) can see in the infrared
and ultraviolet range; related MEMS with IR/UV sensitivity might assist us to determine the status
of organisms. The hearing capabilities of bats (ultrasound) can inspire echolocation in man.
Butterflies have exquisite thermoregulation; this might lead to MEMS that are better protected from
overheating. Mice can smell important information about another mouse´s immune system and
mosquitoes detect minuscule amounts of carbon dioxide and lactic acid; thereby inspired MEMS
could serve as medical or environmental scanners. The senses for magnetism, vibrations and
electroreception that are used by animals might satisfy the need for MEMS in navigation and
orientation. MEMS that are skillfully added to the human body can provide additional perceptory
data. Future research will identify where already available MEMS excel and which outstanding
properties of sensory systems can easily be replicated by `off the shelf´ systems.

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