
Vorträge und Posterpräsentationen (ohne Tagungsband-Eintrag):

L. Exl, W. Auzinger, S. Bance, T. Schrefl:
"Magnetostatic Field Computations on Tensor Grids";
Vortrag: ACOMEN 2011 - Advanced Computational Methods in Engineering, Liège; 14.11.2011 - 17.11.2011.

Kurzfassung englisch:
Large scale micromagnetic problems can be solved by applying fast techniques for magnetostatic field computations. Several techniques have been introduced in the literature to reduce computational costs,
e.g. the multipole method (combined with FFT), scaling almost linearly, i.e. O(n^3 log n). We present an analytically-based tensor-approximation method on tensor grids. Calculation of the scalar potential and the stray field reduces to multi-linear algebra operations, which can be implemented efficiently using optimized libraries. Assuming a-priori (special) tensor structures for the magnetization tensors (as CP format) reduce the complexity to O(n^2 (sublinear). The method is also applicable for non-regular grids and arbitrary magnetization distribution.

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