

G. Rohringer, A. Toschi, A. Katanin, K. Held:
"Critical Properties of the Half-Filled Hubbard Model in Three Dimensions";
Physical Review Letters, 107 (2011), 256402; S. 1 - 5.

Kurzfassung englisch:
By means of the dynamical vertex approximation (DΓA) we include spatial correlations on all length scales beyond the dynamical mean-field theory (DMFT) for the half-filled Hubbard model in three dimensions. The most relevant changes due to nonlocal fluctuations are (i) a deviation from the mean-field critical behavior with the same critical exponents as for the three dimensional Heisenberg (anti)ferromagnet and (ii) a sizable reduction of the Néel temperature (TN) by ∼30% for the onset of antiferromagnetic order. Finally, we give a quantitative estimate of the deviation of the spectra between DΓA and DMFT in different regions of the phase diagram.

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