

J. Lee, C. Brombacher, J. Fidler, B. Dymerska, D. Süss, M. Albrecht:
"Contribution of the easy axis orientation, anisotropy distribution and dot size on the switching field distribution of bit patterned media";
Applied Physics Letters, 99 (2011), 062505; S. 1 - 3.

Kurzfassung englisch:
A magnetic nanostructure array was fabricated by post-patterning of a L10 ordered 5-nm-thick
FePtCu film revealing a rather broad switching field distribution (SFD). The individual contributions
to the SFD of the dot array were investigated by micromagnetic simulations. Based on transmission
electron microscopy results, the dots show a truncated cone shape which was directly used for the
finite element model. The influence of single parameters, i.e., easy axis distribution, magnetic
anisotropy, and dot size, on the SFD was estimated quantitatively and compared. Furthermore, the
influence of damage induced during the nanofabrication process was analyzed and correlated with
experimental results.

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