

D. Süss, L. Breth, J. Lee, M. Fuger, C. Vogler, F. Bruckner, B. Bergmair, T. Huber, J. Fidler, T. Schrefl:
"Calculation of coercivity of magnetic nanostructures at finite temperatures";
Physical Review B, 84 (2011), 224421; S. 1 - 6.

Kurzfassung englisch:
We report a finite temperature micromagneticmethod (FTM) that allows for the calculation of the coercive field
of arbitrarily shaped magnetic nanostructures at time scales of nanoseconds to years. Instead of directly solving
the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation, the coercive field is obtained without any free parameters by solving a
nonlinear equation, which arises from the transition state theory. The method is applicable to magnetic structures
where coercivity is determined by one thermally activated reversal or nucleation process. The method shows
excellent agreement with experimentally obtained coercive fields of magnetic nanostructures and provides a
deeper understanding of the mechanism of coercivity.

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