
Talks and Poster Presentations (with Proceedings-Entry):

M. Westreicher, M. Guillaud:
"Interference Alignment over Partially Connected Interference Networks: Application to the Cellular Case";
Talk: IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), Paris; 04-01-2012 - 04-04-2012; in: "Proc. Wireless Communications and Networking Conference", (2012), 5 pages.

English abstract:
We consider the application of interference alignment (IA) to the cellular case with constant MIMO channel coefficients. Neglecting the weakest interferers in the network, we introduce an algorithm to obtain a partially connected (in particular, L-interfering) network, over which the feasibility of IA can be analyzed simply. We consider the application of IA over the obtained L-interfering network, while the rest of the interference is treated as noise. We benchmark this technique through extensive Monte-Carlo simulations, and introduce an
approximate, compact expression for the ergodic mutual information
achievable in the considered network setting.

interference alignment

Electronic version of the publication:

Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.