

J. Viljamaa, M. Kulich, P. Kovàc, T. Melisek, M. Reissner:
"Comparison on Effects of B4C, Al2O3, and SiC Doping on Performance of MgB2 Conductors";
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 21 (2011), S. 2659 - 2663.

Kurzfassung englisch:
Several 􀀀 􀀀 monofilamentary samples are prepared
to evaluate the effects that the doping compounds ,
􀀀 , and SiC have on critical current density and the
dependency of magnetic flux density of the sample. All of the
samples in this study have Nb sheaths and are manufactured using
in situ precursor powders and the Powder-in-Tube fabrication
method. The amounts of added impurities are 10 wt.% for
and 􀀀 , and 3, 10, and 20 wt.% for SiC. A reference sample
without any doping is also prepared. All of the samples are heat
treated between 650 and 800 for 30 minutes. The transport
characteristics are measured at 4.2 K and the magnetic
behavior is obtained in varied temperatures up to 30 K.
The changes in connectivity, or effective cross-section, are also
evaluated by performing resistivity measurements on the samples
after removal of the sheath. Furthermore, the pinning forces of
the samples are evaluated from the magnetic measurements.

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