
Talks and Poster Presentations (with Proceedings-Entry):

B. Horn, G. Fischer, R. Trabitsch, T. Grechenig:
"An Outline of the Technical Requirements on Governmental Electronic Record Systems Derived from the European Legal Environment";
Talk: 11th European Conference on e-Government, Ljubljana, Slovenia; 06-16-2011 - 06-17-2011; in: "Proceedings of the 11th European Conference on e-Government", M. Klun, M. Decman, T. Jukić (ed.); Academic Publishing Limited, Reading, UK (2011), ISBN: 978-1-908272-00-3; 303 - 309.

English abstract:
In modern e-government administrations, regulatory documents are not only drafted using
computer tools but are increasingly managed using Electronic Record Systems (ERS). Such tools mean that coordination and administrative procedures do not only have to occur via e-mail or similar technologies. To execute the next administrational step using traditional methods, each officer has to know the inner organisational workflow and therefore those clerks responsible for performing the next administrational step to be able to forward the record to the correct person. Though till now this way of working has been quite common in many official organisations, there are a considerable number of software products available, which implement ERS, to assist performing administrative procedures
electronically. When an officer has finished his respective process step, such a system automatically forwards the documents to the next responsible person. Moreover if several clerks have to perform a step in parallel, it is not necessary to copy the whole file several times but only to grant appropriate access permissions to the documents. Thus at any moment, everyone has the record in its latest version. Furthermore the whole administrative act can be tracked and monitored.
It is important to remember however that within the European Union a couple of regulatory rules have to be obeyed when implementing and using such ERS. The providers of such systems as well as the authority using them are responsible for ensuring legal conformity. The aim of this paper is to give a brief overview of the applicable European regulations concerning ERS for responsible stakeholders, such as IT-system designers and providers, administration chiefs, or researchers in the field of e-government.

European Legal Framework, public administration, governmental electronic record systems, Data Protection Directive

Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.