

M. Ferringer:
"On Self-Timed Circuits in Real-Time Systems";
International Journal of Reconfigurable Computing, 2011 (2011), 972375.

Kurzfassung englisch:
While asynchronous logic has many potential advantages compared to traditional synchronous designs, one of the major drawbacks is its unpredictability with respect to temporal behavior. Having no high-precision oscillator, a self-timed circuit´s execution speed is heavily dependent on temperature and supply voltage. Small fluctuations of these parameters already result in noticeable changes of the design´s throughput and performance. Without further provisions this jitter makes the use of asynchronous logic hardly feasible for real-time applications. We investigate the temporal characteristics of self-timed circuits regarding their usage in real-time systems, especially the Time-Triggered Protocol. We propose a simple timing model and elaborate a self-adapting circuit which shall derive a suitable notion of time for both bit transmission and protocol execution. We further introduce and analyze our jitter compensation concept, which is a three-fold mechanism to keep the asynchronous circuit´s notion of time tightly synchronized to the remaining communication participants. To demonstrate the robustness of our solution, we perform different tests, and investigate their impact on jitter and frequency stability.

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Zugeordnete Projekte:
Projektleitung Andreas Steininger:
Asynchrone Logik in Echtzeitsystemen

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