
Diploma and Master Theses (authored and supervised):

H.T. Pak:
"Thermal performance of a test cell in a hot-humid climate: The impact of thermal insulation";
Supervisor: A. Mahdavi; Institut für Architekturwissenschaften, Abteilung Bauphysik und Bauökologie, 2012; final examination: 2011-03-19.

English abstract:
This research reveals the impact of EPS insulated test cell in hot-humid
climates by comparing the EPS thermal insulated test cell and un-insulated
test cell on a free field. The openings of the unoccupied and without
mechanical ventilation test cells were closed daily and opened for the night
ventilation scheme. The 3x3 sqm. test cells produced the room temperature,
relative humidity, solar radiation and wind speed data. For daytime, the EPS
thermal insulated test cell was proven feasible to make the room
temperatures lower together with night ventilation. At night the thermal
mass of the un-insulated test cell, namely brick and mortar, test cell
dissipates stored heat to the external environment faster than the EPS
thermal insulated test cell. At night the EPS thermal insulated test cell
though has higher room temperatures than the brick and mortar case. But,
this thermal insulation does not make a significant counter-productive effect
for night time since the room temperatures of the thermal insulated test cell
were always fallen into the 22-27°C thermal comfort zone. At last, the onsite
measurements of room temperature and relative humidity were
compared to the TAS building simulation results. The actual measurement
and TAS results are found to be very close. TAS simulation confirms that the
EPS thermal insulated test cell has lower day time room temperatures.

German abstract:
see english version

Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.