
Scientific Reports:

D. Schulz-Zak, M. Getzner, H. Kirchmeir, T. Köstl:
"Individuation of gaps in the management and implementation of Natura 2000 sites (gap analysis) [BE-Natur: BEtter management and implementation of NATURa 2000 sites. WP3: Transnational joint strategy and tools for the better management and implementation of Natura 2000 sites.]";
2012; 150 pages.

English abstract:
Gap analysis in the management of Natura 2000 site in SEE (South-East Europe)

German abstract:
Analyse der Schwächen im Management von Natura 2000-Schutzgebieten in SEE (Süd-Ost-Europa)

Natura 2000, nature conservation (management), gap analysis

Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.