
Talks and Poster Presentations (without Proceedings-Entry):

E. Jericha, G. Badurek, Ch. Gösselsberger, R. Grössinger, D. Süss:
"USANSPOL studies of the microstructure of magnetic ribbons";
Talk: Polarised Neutrons in Condensed Matter Investigations, PNCMI 2012, Paris, Frankreich; 07-02-2012 - 07-05-2012.

English abstract:
Amorphous magnetic ribbons represent both novel technologically relevant complex samples which are currently in the process of material development for use as magnetic sensors and actuators due to their exceptional magnetostriction properties as well as illustrative examples for developing the technique of ultra-small-angle polarised neutron scattering (USANSPOL). This method was described in some detail in Ref. [1] for the study of magnetic microstructure. We present experimental results on a variety of magnetic ribbons under various environmental conditions, including zero-field environment, the influence of external magnetic field, mechanically induced stress, or a combination of both effects, and in magnetically saturated state. Measurement results allow an assessment of the native sample state which may exhibit form anisotropy due to a special manufacturing process. A two-dimensional record of the scattered neutron intensity is essential for non-isotropic structures. At the other end of the internal length scale, we observe the sample under saturation conditions from which we may distinguish crystalline and amorphous states on a microstructure level with implications on the applicability. The evolution of the magnetic structure between these two endpoints is seen from experiments with applied external magnetic field or mechanical stress of varying strength and can be followed up to the resolution limit of the technique.

[1] E. Jericha, G. Badurek, C. Gösselsberger, D. Süss, J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 340 (2012) 012007.
Experimental and methodic progress in ultra-small-angle polarised neutron scattering on novel magnetic materials.

ultra-small-angle neutron scattering, polarised neutrons, magnetic ribbons, magnetic micro-structure

Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.