
Talks and Poster Presentations (with Proceedings-Entry):

A. Date, U. Schubert:
"Synthesis of Single Source Precursors for Ni/Zro2 Nanocomposites";
Poster: 4th EuCheMS Chemistry Congress, Prague, Czech Republic; 2012-08-26 - 2012-08-30; in: "4th EuCheMS Chemistry Congress - Final Program", (2012), P-211.

English abstract:
Many natural materials consist of inorganic and organic building blocks, i.e. they are inorganic-organic hybrid materials. The concept of hybrid materials is used to study fundamental processes of materials formation and to transfer ideas to artificial materials. One of the greatest advantages of hybrid materials is the possibility to create multifunctional materials.
In the work presented here, bimetallic nanocomposites are prepared by means of inorganic-organic hybrid intermediates. To this end, single-sourse precursors for sol-gel processing were prepared. Organic moieties containing two functional groups are used which
(a) connect two different metal moieties.
(b) are stable during sol-gel processing.
(c) allow some pre-orientation of the two metals.
In this presentation, a compound with both a Schiff base and a carboxylate group was employed as bridging ligand in the synthesis of heterobimetallic (Ni/Zr) complexes. The resulting complex was processed by the sol-gel method, followed by calcination to remove the organic linker. The non-hydrolytic sol-gel method is also promising. The complex was characterised by NMR and IR spectroscopy and the resulting mixed oxide by SAXS measurements.

Sol-gel processes; Zirconium; Nickel

Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.