

A. Kowarik, M. Templ, B. Meindl, F. Fonteneau, B. Prantner:
"Testing of IHSN C++ Code and Inclusion of New Methods into sdcMicro";
in: "Lecture Notes in Computer Science", J. Domingo-Ferrer, I. Tinnirello (Hrg.); Springer, Berlin, 2012, ISBN: 978-3-642-33626-3, S. 63 - 77.

Kurzfassung englisch:
The aim of a project initiated by the International Household Survey Network (IHSN, www.ihsn.org ) is to integrate the C++ code they developed to the R package sdcMicro. The methods for microdata perturbation in the R-package sdcMicro are now all based on computational fast C++ code. The paper describes how this integration was done and describes the methods ready to be used. Finally, we give an outline of on-going and further developments which are funded by the IHSN and Google.

Statistical Disclosure Control, C++, R

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