

R. Bereczky, G. Kowarik, F. Ladinig, D. Schrempf, K. Tökési, F. Aumayr:
"The effect of temperature on guiding of slow highly charged ions through a mesoscopic glass capillary";
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 388 (2012), S. 132031.

Kurzfassung englisch:
SynopsisWe present first temperature dependent transmission measurements of slow highly charged ions through
a single, straight Duran glass capillary with a high aspect ratio. By changing the temperature of the glass capillary
the electrical conductivity of the Duran can be varied by several orders of magnitude. This held the promise to
investigate the effect of conductivity on particle transport (build-up and removal of charge patches) through
capillaries in more details.

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