

M. Feischl, T. Führer, M. Karkulik, D. Praetorius:
"Stability of symmetric and nonsymmetric FEM-BEM couplings for nonlinear elasticity problems";
in: "ASC Report 52/2012", herausgegeben von: Institute for Analysis and Scientific Computing; Vienna University of Technology, Wien, 2012, ISBN: 978-3-902627-05-6, S. 1 - 23.

Kurzfassung englisch:
We consider symmetric as well as non-symmetric coupling formulations of FEM and BEM in the frame of nonlinear elasticity problems. In particular, the Johnson-Nédélec coupling is analyzed.
We prove that these coupling formulations are well-posed and allow for unique Galerkin solutions if standard discretizations by piecewise polynomials are employed. Unlike prior works, our analysis
does neither rely on an interior Dirichlet boundary to tackle the rigid body motions nor on any assumption on the mesh-size of the discretization used.

FEM-BEM coupling, elasticity, nonlinearities, well-posedness

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