
Vorträge und Posterpräsentationen (mit Tagungsband-Eintrag):

M. Bicher, U. Fitsch, M. Atanasijevic-Kunc:
"An E-Learning Course of Modelling for Control Design Purposes";
Vortrag: MATHMOD 2012 - 7th Vienna Conference on Mathematical Modelling, Wien; 14.02.2012 - 17.02.2012; in: "Preprints Mathmod 2012 Vienna - Full Paper Volume", F. Breitenecker, I. Troch (Hrg.); Argesim / Asim, 38 (2012), S. 253 - 254.

Kurzfassung englisch:
Introduction. The great majority of EU countries are introducing the so called Bologna study (common studies
structure in EU), where Slovenia and Austria are no exception. The results of such study organization are also
a comparable studying programs where students´, as well as teaching staff mobility are encouraged. Taking into
account developing technologies also the aspects of e-learning are becoming more and more important. Intensive
efforts have already resulted in effective solutions regarding individual institutions [1-4], but now attention is
directed also to the possibilities of sharing teaching lectures, devices and/or experimenting systems. In this way
studying efficiency can be improved while in the same time also the cooperation among different scientific and
educational institutions can be intensified. Modelling for control design purposes of three tank system (Fig. 1) is
a result of a close cooperation between the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana (Laboratory
of Modelling, Simulation and Control and Laboratory of Autonomous Mobile Systems) and the Vienna University
of Technology (Institute of Analysis and Scientific Computing). The goals of the project were: further development
and extensions of the MMT-System, development of remote and virtual experiments and projects in E-CHO
Learning Management and Content Management System, analysis of system properties regarding the development
of virtual and/or remote experimenting environment, analysis of cooperation possibilities through (mixed) student
Modelling Process. The system under consideration is schematically presented in Fig. 1.
The process, which is located at the Faculty of Electri-
Fig. 1: Three tanks system - Amira DTS 200
cal Engineering, University of Ljubljana, consists of three
plexiglass cylindrical tanks and beyond them a collecting
water pond is located. Out of this basin water can be
pumped into the left or the right tank. Two water pumps
which can be controlled using voltage signal in the range
of 10V, are therefore system´s actuators. Water levels
can be measured in all three tanks by corresponding sensors.
These signals are also in the same voltage range. The
system is equipped with six manual valves with which different
operation conditions can be realized. As this process
is also highly nonlinear one it enables the development
of different model presentations suitable for simple
and more demanding control design purposes.
MMT platform. At Vienna University of Technology, Institute of Analysis and Scientific Computing the so
called MMT - a web-based e-learning system for mathematics, modelling and simulation is developing. It is using
MATLAB and SIMULINK which means it is very suitable also for developing education experiments for presented
process. Experiments can be developed in such manner that first only one tank is included into observation (by
closing valve V1). When using only the first pump such process is operating as single - input, single - output
system. If later on also the second and the third tank are included, multi - input, multi - output (MIMO) design
control problem with cross couplings can be observed.

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