
Talks and Poster Presentations (with Proceedings-Entry):

I. Hafner, M. Bicher, S. Winkler, U. Fitsch:
"MMT - An E-Learning System based on Computer Numeric System for teaching Mathematics and Modelling";
Talk: MATHMOD 2012 - 7th Vienna Conference on Mathematical Modelling, Wien; 2012-02-14 - 2012-02-17; in: "Preprints Mathmod 2012 Vienna - Full Paper Volume", F. Breitenecker, I. Troch (ed.); Argesim / Asim, 38 (2012), 251 - 252.

English abstract:
Introduction. The MMT system constitutes a tool enabling e-learning of modelling and simulation in a userfriendly
and unique way. It is a server with a collection of examples in many fields of mathematics and modelling
being arranged in a variety of topics and offered in certain courses. The abbreviation MMT stands for Mathematics,
Modelling and Tools.
The name implies that one of the things taught with the help of the MMT system is basic mathematics. In lectures
for students of electrical engineering and geodesy and geomatics engineering the MMT environment is used to
enable students the experimentation with examples out of Analysis and Linear Algebra to strengthen their understanding
of the current subject in their lecture, see the impacts of the calculation in a graphical output wherever it
makes sense and compare the computed results with their own ones.
The most important use of the MMT server lies in the support of teaching modelling and simulation for students of
technical mathematics and computer sciences. To cover a wide field of modelling, the MMT examples concerning
modelling and simulation are implemented using many different modelling approaches. By varying the input
parameters of models students can find out in which way they affect the output of the simulation. To enable
profound understanding of the models, all source codes are offered to be downloaded from the MMT and possibly
modified and tried out on the studentīs own personal computer.
Content. This paper focuses on the new possibilities of modelling and simulation on theMMTserver. To become
acquainted with the MMT interface we give a short overview of the system before addressing certain examples.
The first example shows a model implemented in Matlab consisting of one m-file. Since the MMT server has to
interact with Matlab, the description of this MMT example concerns mostly the extraction of the input variables
from the MMT system into the Matlab function and the creation of graphical and textual output on the MMT
One of the latest achievements within the MMT system has been the successful inclusion of examples accessing
more than one m-file. This allows models to be way more complex and therefore students can be taught high-level
modelling via the MMT system. To reach different fields of modelling like physical modelling, MMT examples
using Simulink models have recently been embedded into the MMT system. The communication between the
MMT server and the Simulink model is realised in a m-file exchanging the parameters and the output among the
Simulink model and the corresponding MMT example.
The last part of the paper discusses the use of the MMT system in exams. This is realised by another e-learning
platform, the moodle based TUWEL (Technische Universität Wien E-Learning System). Via this tool students are
asked questions concerning the MMT examples already shown in the respective lecture. Then they have to follow
a link to a certain MMT example and find out some specific data coordinates or input values for a given problem.
Summary. Apart from being a tool for teaching basic mathematics in lectures for students of electrical engineering
and geodesy and geomatics engineering the MMT system has become important to enable e-learning of
modelling and simulation and is used in various lectures about modelling and simulation offered by the Institute
for Analysis and Scientific Computing. The variety of examples goes from simple models with only one Matlab
function over complex ones with several m-files to models implemented in Simulink. All in all e-learning at Vienna
University of Technology would not be possible in the way it is without the MMT system.

Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.