
Diploma and Master Theses (authored and supervised):

J. Tröstl:
"Diffusion tensor imaging";
Supervisor: G. Badurek, Ch. Windischberger; Atominstitut, 2011.

English abstract:
Diffusion tensor imaging is a magnetic resonance imaging technique which allows for approximating the grade of anisotropy of water diffusion in organized matter, such as the human brain or muscles.
Depending on the tissue, diffusion is either isotropic (e.g. grey matter) or directed (e.g. white matter). These differences can be approximated for every voxel by using a tensor. With this diffusion tensor the diffusion strength, direction and directionallity can be estimated.
On the basis of diffusion tensor imaging nerve bundles and fiber tracts can be reconstructed using fiber tractography. This method can be used for the identifica tion of fiber tracts and toanalyze tract integrity.
Here this magnetic resonance imaging technique was applied to investigate white matter differences between social phobia patients and healthy controls.

Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.