
Publications in Scientific Journals:

H. Bauer, P. Biwald, K. Mitterer, J. Bröthaler, M. Getzner, M. Schratzenstaller:
"Transferbeziehungen im Bundesstaat - Status und Reformperspektiven";
WIFO-Monatsberichte, 2012 (2012), 2; 943 - 955.

English abstract:
Transfer Relations in the Federal State - Status and Reform Perspectives.
Intragovernmental transfers are an important element of the fiscal equalisation system. With respect to efficiency, the principle of fiscal equivalence or fiscal connectivity is central to the arrangement of fiscal relations between the individual levels of a federal state. Based on this principle, tasks, spending and revenue responsibilities should fundamentally be in accordance, and the cost and structural efficiency of the fulfilment of tasks should be expected.
The covering of expenditures through intragovernmental transfers instead of own revenue sources, over which the respective territorial authorities have decisionmaking power, breaches the principle of fiscal equivalence. Distributively motivated transfers for resource equalisation can weaken incentives among receiving regional administrative bodies to cultivate and exhaust their own sources of revenue - in particular revenues through taxation. Intensive transfer interdependencies between territorial authorities result in considerable complexity and lack of transparency in fiscal relations between the individual federal levels.
Over half of overall Austrian tax revenues are currently reallocated between and among the levels of government through transfers. Between 1995 and 2011, the transfer volume increased more significantly (+87 percent) than the nominal gross domestic product (+72 percent).
At the municipal level, the transfer load increases with rising populations. On the one hand, these transfers have led to a reallocation of funding from the municipalities to the Länder, while on the other hand there is also reallocation among the municipalities. Through transfer policies, fiscal equalisation leads to an overcompensation of financial power to the benefit of small municipalities.
Transfer reform requires the consistent uncoupling of tasks, the dismantling of joint financing schemes and the strengthening of sub-national tax autonomy. A reformed transfer system would include only a few transfers for resource equalisation, the equalisation of burdens, the compensation of regional spillovers and the realisation of economies of scale.

German abstract:
Eine Reform des österreichischen Finanzausgleichs erfordert auch eine substantielle Reform des Transfersystems. Dabei geht es darum, das vielschichtige Transfersystem zu vereinfachen und damit transparenter zu machen. Mit einer Zusammenfassung der Aufgaben , Ausgaben- und Finanzierungsverantwortung für öffentliche Leistungen wie Bildung, Kinderbetreuung, Gesundheit und Sozialhilfe auf einer Gebietskörperschaftsebene kann eine Transferentflechtung forciert werden. Durch eine Stärkung des Lastenausgleichs im Transfersystem soll das bestehende Ungleichgewicht zugunsten des Ressourcenausgleichs verringert bzw. ausgeglichen werden. Auf Basis der Eckpunkte eines Reformmodells wird eine Übergangslösung skizziert. Dabei stehen das Auflassen der Landesumlage, das Abgehen von bisherigen Vorwegabzügen sowie Vorschläge für die Gestaltung in den Bereichen Kinderbetreuung, Schulen, soziale Sicherheit und Krankenanstalten im Mittelpunkt.

Finanzausgleich Abgaben Transfers

Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.