
Contributions to Proceedings:

M. Bachler, B. Hametner, C. Mayer, J. Kropf, M. Gira, S. Wassertheurer:
"Automated verification of cardiovascular models with continuous integration tools";
in: "The 24th European Modeling and Simulation Symposium", F. Breitenecker, A. Bruzzone, E. Jimenez, F. Longo, Y. Merkuryev, B. Sokolov (ed.); DIME Università di Genova, Rende, 2012, ISBN: 978-88-97999-09-6, 316 - 321.

English abstract:
Models in general, but especially in medicine, need extensive testing and verification to ensure that they do not contain errors and produce correct results.
Traditionally, this happens after completing the development.
In this work an approach to automated and continuous testing, verification and documentation based on a continuous integration tool is presented.
This practice has several advantages in compari son to the traditional way of verification.
As the model is verified after every single change that is made to it, one benefit is the earlier and more precise tracing of errors.
Another advantage is the aggregation of code generation, software building, testing, verifying and document ation in one tool to ensure maximum automation and to reduce expenditure of time.
Furthermore, due to the integration of central versioning systems, it makes working in development teams easier.
In this work, the development processes of two cardiovascular models
are incorporated into a continuous integration system.

Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.