
Contributions to Proceedings:

F. Breitenecker, H. Ecker, B. Heinzl, A. Körner, M. Rößler, N. Popper:
"Change of independent variable for state event detection in system simulation - evaluation with argesim benchmarks";
in: "The 24th European Modeling and Simulation Symposium", F. Breitenecker, A. Bruzzone, E. Jimenez, F. Longo, Y. Merkuryev, B. Sokolov (ed.); DIME Università di Genova, Rende, 2012, ISBN: 978-88-97999-09-6, 531 - 536.

English abstract:
In system simulation state event descriptions and state
event handling are used to model and to simulation
`discontinuous“ changes of the system under investiga-
tion. State events may cause simple `jumps“ of parame-
ters, or complex changes of models, as in case of loss or
increase of degrees of freedom. The classical method of
state event handling consists of an interpolative and /or
iterative method to locate the event with ongoing time -
based on the zero of the state event function. This con-
tribution discusses first event classification and time-
based event location algorithms, and second, it discuss-
es an alternative method for state event location by
change of the independent variable. This method, first
suggested by Henon in 1982, makes use of the princi-
ples of Poincare mappings. This alternative method is
analyzed and sketched with models from the ARGESIM
Benchmarks on Modelling Approaches and Simulation

Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.