
Talks and Poster Presentations (with Proceedings-Entry):

G. Hanappi:
"The Quickstep Model. A policy set reconciling socioeconomic and environmental dynamics.";
Talk: Annual Conference of the European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy (EAEPE), Krakau; 2012-10-18 - 2012-10-20; in: "EAEPE 2012 Proceedings", (2012), *?.

English abstract:
The world economy currently is transforming substantially, and with accelerating speed. It is evident that this process quickly will lead to bottlenecks with respect to several aspects of welfare (decline) in several parts of the world. Where and when the most dangerous critical levels will be reached is an extremely complicated question, but it is evident that deterioration of environmental factors and socioeconomic disasters in most cases cannot be analytically disentangled.
To make things even worse it is clear that a democratically legitimized global political unit, which can enforce welfare enhancing policy measures, does not exist. There rather is a class of global finance management, which desperately looks for high-enough profit rates to place its funds. Since global accumulation of the social value this class possesses (i.e. profit rates) is based on local exploitation and distortion - local with respect to geography as well as with respect ideological strata - there exists a counterpart of this ruling class (the `99%´) living in very finite environments. As a result of the continuous deepening of class contradictions this counterpart population is caught in a stalemate caused by a diaspora of space and ideas.
Unfortunately it cannot be expected that a theory identifying and informing a global revolutionary class (i.e. build class consciousness) will emerge fast enough to avoid severe upcoming disasters. The usual sequence proposed by the French enlightenment (first understand, then act) seems to be too slow to arrive in time. Thus the sequence necessarily will have to be stepwise reversed: Find some pivotal actions avoiding worst case bottlenecks, and use them even without overarching theoretical underpinning; then learn from their results and use them to form a surrogate for a global revolutionary subject - what was called a revolutionary class in the 19th century.
This is background for what is called the Quickstep model in the paper presented. The Quickstep model is an algorithm for (1) identifying dangerous global bottlenecks, (2) inventing quick, welfare stabilizing counteraction, (3) feedback learning during the immediate consequences of interventions, and (4) translating the whole process into an interpretation, which serves the emergence of (revolutionary, welfare enhancing) class consciousness. The hope is that the short-run heuristic Quickstep can create the pre-conditions for a democratically legitimized global political unit

Political Economy, Europe

Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.